
    Bubble SortInsertion SortSelection SortRadix SortHeap SortMerge SortQuick Sort
    Depth First SearchBreadth First SearchPrim's AlgorithmKruskal's AlgorithmDijkstra's AlgorithmTopological SortingHamiltonian Cycle
    Binary Search TreeBinary HeapCircular Queue
    Convex Hull
Merge Sort

Merge Sort is more advanced, divide-and-conquer algorithm that recursively splits an unsorted list into smaller sublists until each contains a single element. These sublists are then merged back together in a sorted manner. With a time complexity of O(n log n), Merge Sort is efficient and stable, making it suitable for handling large datasets.

    function mergeSort(start, end):
        if start < end:
            mid = length(arr) / 2
            mergeSort(start, mid)
            mergeSort(mid + 1, end)
            merge(start, mid, end)